Hello Darling,
What you probably don't know about me is that I'm a political junkie! Both my degrees touch on it, but it is mostly boring, so I don't talk about it here much.
But sometimes, when my background and my foreground touch, I get super excited! โค๏ธ
The Cheater-in-Chief
As most of you suspect, I'm a bit of a libtard, but the Canadian political spectrum is not like the US one, so it's hard to pin me down as a Dem or the other one. I suspect I would be a Dem, though, if I were American.
I say this because at home, I'm what you'd call a "social conservative", which boils down to "take care of the people, leave my body the fuck alone, let me do sex the way I want, keep your jeepus to yourself, but please don't waste the money we give you on stupid things."
Enough about that!
We all know 47, the Cheater-in-Chief, is a convicted felon. But what was he convicted for?
It was adultery!
Look how far the man went to cover up his adultery. He's not the only one, of course, but he's perhaps the most famous in recent times.
Adultery is Bad
If you cheat, you know that. It's even mentioned in those 10 bible commandments Georgia pinned up on classroom walls.
Those commandments are totes old school, straight from the testament we quote when we're like super, super mad at someone.
So how did 47, a convicted cheater, a commandment breaker, get the support of some of the most evil people on the planet?
Who's that now? Fundamentalist christians.
Fundies are no Fun
As we all know, fundamentalists are no fun. They are people who compete with each other to bore you to death with their jeepus.
Seriously, I've never had a Jew or Muslim knock on my door to talk to me about god - and praise be to them. The fundies?
Give it the fuck up, you losers.
I'll never waste a nano-second of my Sunday morning with you again (I'm a lapsed Catholic, so sadly, have wasted time in the past).
But the fundies? The same people who want me to live the pure life couldn't give a shit that 47 banged a porn star, lied about it, and then committed crimes to cover it up.
Sort of weird, right?
Teresa, what's your point?
It is this - you can cheat and be successful. All you have to do is pretend you're sorry, and maybe not even! That's right! Forgiven!
It's the perfect out! Why?
Here's the math:
- People they don't like? Old testament.
- People they like? New testament.
Easy peasy sweat and jeasy!
Bottom Line for Men - New testament! People are willing to forgive you because it's your wife's fault for not sexing you! All men need sex, right? Says so in the scriptures, so go for it! (unless it is with another man - they don't like that).
Bottom Line for Women - Old testament! So no...yeah, the new testament doesn't apply to you, but I didn't need to tell you that (unless you have sex with another woman - oh, boy! Do they ever like that).
But Melania's hat? Damn, if that girl doesn't have some James Bond villain style? I'm not kidding. I wish I could pull her hat game off. Phew.
Hail to the Cheater-in-Chief!
That's all for now! As always, thank you for everything you do!๐ซกโค๏ธ
Your Faery Godmother of Adultery ๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ
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